Thursday, May 8, 2008

If I can just get to the weekend and think I will find the perfect "first summer book" to read!

I am chomping at the bit to devote some focus to this blog and to my reading. Fortunately, I don't have "miles to go before I sleep". I thought I would share with ya'll a little superstition that I indulge in every school year. With the first step into the Fine Arts building at the beginning of the year I say, in reference to the summer,"As soon as it began, it was over." and as I take my last step out of the building next Friday(after TWO graduations) I will say the same exact thing, "As soon as it began, it was over." I have done this for years and this is the first time I've ever told anyone. It gives me closure to the the end of summer and the end of the school year. I always say both with a surprised smile on my face and a chuckle.


maggie moran said...

What a wonderful quote. Who said it? Ya know, that would make a great mantra while you round the smooth turns of your labyrinth.

just a few more days and ah...

Susie said...

Thanks, Maggie! I would like to claim it as original, but I'm thinking I picked it up, or some version of it, from a Shakespeare play or something I heard in a old movie.It's one of my favorite "mantras".Rarely do I say it any other time which makes it all the more important to me!