Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Week 14-run 8/walk 1 for 3x with a 3 minute push run at end

After struggling through week 12 and its 12 minute runs, it is nice these two weeks to increase mileage. I am regularly passing by the 2 mile mark now. It's due to these weeks of running then walking a minute. Before then I always had two minutes to "recover" between runs. Now it's one minute and the intensity is evident. You would think dropping from 12 to 8 would be going backward, but it's not. I notice I keep the sweat going throughout the run, the one minute not affording much of a cool down. I love it! I feel stronger with every run.
Now, for the food struggle. It's not as intense but I really have to watch my calories or the run isn't as good. Food weighs down the run. So, if I'm gonna eat heavier, it has to be the day I run so that the walk day follows. The love of eating is such a detriment. The running does keep me more on track, though. I am motivated by wanting to feel good on the run so I am able to resist more. It's still difficult, though.
I sent a fan email to John Bingham. I was on his website and decided to thank him for what his writing has meant to me and my sister as we learn to run. If I can figure it out, I'll paste it into the blog so ya'll can read it.
Thanks to everyone for their encouraging comments. It has helped me through some tough times!


maggie moran said...

I lied! I didn't get up and run. I'm doing the "get outside while the sun is out" workout. This is day three and my arms are tired with all this having to find yard work to do until the sun goes down. I've picked up pecans, raked the dogwoods, dug up the sweet potatoes, picked up magnolia husks, and weeded the pansy beds. Thank God it is raining tomorrow!

I'm proud of all you hard work, and we have his new book behind the counter for you! :D

sage said...

Wow, you are improving--and I have to hand it to you, taking up running in the dog days of late summer in Mississippi (and sticking with it) is commendable.