Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Week 16-Run 12/walk 1 2x with 4 minute push run at end

I cannot believe I am even entering this blog! I am finishing up month FOUR of my running quest and it just continues to get better and better, I continue to evolve internally and externally as a person. It is becoming a dramatic change, especially on the inside. I think the two best benefits right now of running are the sense of well being I carry with me through the day physically and the change in my relationship to food. More and more I am trying to fuel my body for runs. More and more often I make the choice to eat the healthy option. The result is lost weight and a change to my body shape. HALLELUJAH!It revolves around the runs. I am aware that extra weight on the body slows you down, so I want to run faster, so I eat healthier. I used to be motivated with diets to lose weight..the pressure was always an enormous negative stressful experience. I never enjoyed dieting! That's because food is my drug of choice. For some reason attaching the eating to the runs neutralizes the emotions associated with eating. This is a tremendous breakthrough!

This weekend I am flying to New York for the first time! I will turn 50 while I am there! I plan to run Bryant Park on Saturday and Central Park on Sunday. At least that's the plan! Plan on some running pics here when I return and more details of this fantastic trip!


maggie moran said...

This is so exciting! Have a good time and be careful! :)

sage said...

Wow, it sounds like you are doing great! Happy 50th birthday and enjoy NYC.

Susie said...

Maggie, I did and I was! It was a great weekend and I'm ready to return!
Sage, thanks! I certainly did enjoy it and am making plans to return soon!