Monday, May 25, 2009

Zoom through the Zoo evolved to Stumble through the Zoo

Well, well, well...what a difference 9/10 of a mile makes from a 5k to a 4 miler! Let's just say I have a healthy respect for those mastering a 4 miler. It was at night, it was hot, I was underhydrated and undernourished...a recipe for disaster. I will say that at least I ran the two miles through the zoo and had a last minute burst of energy in the last 1/10 of a mile to race over the finish line. Other than that, this race kicked my butt! I am still glad I did it. Last week I placed first in my age group, right? This week: 26 out of 32 women and I am thankful for THAT ranking! I didn't come in last, did I?
The next two weeks bring old fashioned training and gym workouts. No 5k looming in the horizon this weekend. I set my sites on the ultrafun Harbortown 5k...flat as a pancake passing by beautiful homes and the scenic Mississippi River on June 5. It's followed by beer, live bands and a party as the sun sets on the river. Certainly a nice reprieve from Thursday nights "not quite Zoomer"
My marathon running triathlete 60 year old uncle was visiting from New Orleans this weekend. He gave me one of his running caps developed by my hero, John Bingham. It even has the penguin logo on the cap. It is now called my "lucky cap".
You know what? I don't care if I place first or last...I am running and I love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Susie,

It's me, Faith...uh, Jinks. Loved the blog and so glad to know you.
When I figure out how to get my own blog back in action, will comment again. Have great week and lets "kick some asphalt" real soon!