I have always been a late bloomer. Where has this gotten me? Last cheerleader to have a boyfriend in 12th grade(there's a story there, no time now),last one to figure out what was "cool" in college and then to decide I didn't want to be "cool", a little slow on punchlines of jokes..you get the idea. Well, now, it seems I must be the last person on earth to discover the joys of Ebay! Wow! What a website! You can search for all kinds of things...it's like the biggest world wide web garage sale! Granted, I stay with NWT and NWOT stuff(for the one person on earth who hasn't found ebay yet it means: new, with tag;new, without tag) and I steer clear if the stuff comes from a smoking home. Here's how I beat the system. I go to all the websites of clothes and shoes that I like. I peruse through and get ideas of prices. THEN, when I have ten hours to kill, I will set up all these really specific ebay searches. For example:Coldwater Creek, size (none of your business) black leather jacket with silver buttons and paisley lining and hit that magic little search button and, poof!, there it is! I search jewelry, as I am approaching 50 and feel the need for something meaningful on my finger...not so much a rock, something with words on it or a snippet of a poem or scripture..something to set me up for the next 50 years..well, you can even find that kind of thing on ebay.You have to be careful. I have gotten burned a couple of times but mostly it was my fault. The picture of the shoes I won only vaguely resembled the hooker stilettos that came in the mail. Imagine explaining that to the Salvation Army lady when I donated them.(It is a small town I'm living in.)For the most part, it's been great. I just love a good bargain. Wanna know what I'm bidding on right now? Okay:a North Face(nwt)backpack for son;these gorgeous cranberry pumps that will match the Chico indigo dress I got on ebay last week,some black clark privo's(nwt),a chunky turqoise bracelet(originally on QVC)...well, at the risk of sounding shallow and materialistic I'll stop these shenanigans for now. Anybody else in love with ebay?
Sounds like you're having fun...I'm trying to do any shopping (except for must haves), so I haven't been on ebay lately. I'm trying to save for laminate flooring.
Have fun shopping!
i got my oriental rug for my bedroom from e-bay, but I had my brother--the expert on oriental rugs and e-bay--here at the time. I'm scared of big ticket things without him.
I have only brought a few things on ebay--I buy lots of used books via Amazon, however.
But, queenie, you can even get laminate flooring on ebay and jo, you don't need that brother of yours, just jump in! Sage, I love me some used books on amazon, too!
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