Just back from seeing the movie "Mamma Mia". For a girl who graduated high school in 1976, you couldn't have given me a better summer movie. I sobbed in this movie..there were some really poignant moments and I laughed so hard, not that it was so funny but that it was so joyful to watch. Now, stay with me, Abba's lyrics really do have some depth! The song "Slipping Through My Fingers" was heartbreaking and so true and "Dancing Queen" made me miss my youth desperately, and I don't usually do that, but I DID want to be "seventeen, dancing queen" again! I wanted to fit right back into my disco clothes, my disco days, my disco moves and just forget I had to grow up!And as for Pierce Brosnan, I have loved that man for years, ever since Remington Steele...and "The Thomas Crown Affair"...lucky Rene Russo!Unusual singing voice he has but who cares? He's just the ultimate romantic lead. I will go see this again and I WILL be buying Abba's greatest hits! Anybody else love the movie?
A former lover, from the 70s, once complained that I caused her to miss disco (I hated the stuff and had long gone over to the alternative radio stations that didn't play top 40. I would have thought she'd thanked me for saving her from Saturday Night Fever, but I think she meant it as an indictment.
I haven't seen the movie.
Of course you haven't seen the movie. Aren't you the one that is waiting for Japanese subtitles? HA! Or are you waiting for it to show on AMC? Don't see the movie, I beg of you. It's pure-d chick flick. Also remember that for me to like a movie I have to sob at least one time. My friends still can't believe I sobbed at Sex and the City movie.
i loved Mamma Mia. believe it or not. Terry and I went and laughed and cried. I would see it again, and I don't even like ABba.
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