Thursday, August 21, 2008

Here's Where I Am Now With My Ambitious Learning To Run Program

This week I have been running one minute/30 seconds and walking 2 minutes 7x with a 2 minute push run at the end.This is cushioned every other day by a thirty minute walk. I also rest one day a week. It is nothing short of a miracle! I just love it. It clarifies the day for me so much! Now that school is back in session, I'm going to add weight training. Here's the plan: I'm turning 50 in December which means I can do the Senior Olympics. I know, sounds weird, doesn't it? But I'm thinking that I can dangle that "carrot" in front of me and maybe, just maybe, try to do a 5K run by next May(when they have our state senior olympics). I have no idea if I can do this. According to my "24 week to running 30 minutes plan" in my "Beginning Running" book, by January I should be up to 30 minutes cold of running,running without a heart attack for 30 minutes. So, I'm thinking by May...SURELY I can get my butt to a senior olympics 5K, right? That is a rhetorical question. PLEASE do not answer it. :) I am not thinking that it will be easy. That's not why I'm thinking of it as a goal. I am thinking that if I get my butt kicked in a 5K, at LEAST it will be with people near my age. I just think it would do me no good to get all mixed up with 20 year old runners at these charity 5K's, unless of course they were sympathetic, encouraging NICE 20 year olds who wouldn't call me "granny". HA! For now I will derive a sense of gratitude that I passed some walkers three or four times around the track this morning. I did not feel superior. I felt grateful that this exercise grace has fallen upon me just when I needed it.
One more thing, the running is the's the part that is so foreign to me that it fills me with optimism that I can do other things I thought impossible to do. Have no idea what that would be right now, but I'll keep this place posted!
Anyone else running? or run/walking like me? What's your time?


maggie moran said...

I'm going to do it, too! Where are you running? At a school? Park?

Hey, did you go to my other blog and get a good laugh? :D

sage said...

Go for it. Although I work out regularly at the gym, I hate running and so do my knees. Elipictical and body track machines, bring them on, but not hard pavement.

Susie said...

LOVED your running blog, Maggie! I am running at the high school track and around my neighborhood, depending on how many times I hit my snooze button in the mornings.According to a friend of mine, you are supposed to run a 5K in 30 minutes but that plenty of folks walk and run during them, so I'm just gonna go for it. Once I'm running more than 2 minutes at a time, I'll join you for a Como walk/run!
Sage, yep, I figured you for the staying in shape guy, with all that outdoor living. Us city slickers have to follow our hearts and run the concrete..HA! Fortunately, my knees are not rebelling, especially on our high school track. I can tell a MARKED difference when I'm in my neighborhood with its mix of concrete and asphalt, though. I'm craving some weight training. Meant to add this week, but it slipped by. Hopefully next.